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Discover You And Power Surge – Easy How To DIY review by Joe Vitale - Viral Trending News TOPICS
Pay the highest price for your meat as a reflection of your investment

Moment of Clarity When you go to the supermarket start thinking about the price you pay for the meat. It’s not eating meat that’s hurting us or the world, it’s our “individual” relationship with that animal who has given it’s life for us.


Annemarie Doolin

2020-01-19 12:27:18Are you abusing animals without realising?

What does feeling offended really mean?

Moment of Clarity: Feeling offended means you feel confused. Any time you feel offended it simply means that you’re feeling two opposing opinions inside and that’s why you’re aggravated.


Annemarie Doolin

2019-08-01 14:22:47What does feeling offended reveal to you?

Relationship problem,

Moment of Clarity: They haven’t cheated on you, they weren’t even thinking about you. Why not? Because they’re unhappy and trying to find this feeling of “satisfied”.  The pulling away is different for men and women.


Annemarie Doolin

2020-12-03 15:15:40Why did they cheat on me?

Take the tired test to see if you are tired or

Moment of Clarity: How can you tell if you’re really tired? Imagine you’ve just won the lottery and see if you’re too tired to pick up the cheque.There’s a condition though, you’ve got to hop on a plane in an hour. Can you do it?


Annemarie Doolin

2019-07-24 15:35:19Tired or bored, take the Tired Test

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