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The Backyard Chickens Manual - Viral Trending News TOPICS

Raisins are a popular type of dried fruit. They are often found in almost any grocery store. However, many people are asking whether or not chickens can eat raisins. The answer is yes, chickens can eat raisins. However, there are some important considerations you should take into account before allowing your chicken to eat raisins. … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Coconut

Chickens are known for eating a lot of insects, but some people think that they should also be able to eat coconuts. After all, coconuts are a source of nutrients! So can chickens eat coconuts? Yes, chickens can eat coconuts. The tropical fruit is nutritious for the bird to eat. While coconuts are loaded with … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Cantaloupe Seeds

Cantaloupe is a favorite summertime fruit that’s enjoyed by a lot of people. It has a sweet taste with a juicy texture. Most people will scoop out the seeds and eat just the flesh of the cantaloupe. Instead of discarding it, you may wonder if you can feed cantaloupe seeds to your chickens. Yes, chickens … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Apple Skin

Apple peel is the skin of an apple. It is usually used in cooking to add flavor, texture, and aroma to various dishes. Some people will remove the peel and discard them. Instead of throwing it away, you may wonder if you can feed apple peel to your chickens. Yes, chickens can eat apple peels. … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Cherries

Cherries are a type of fruit that come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. They are usually picked from the tree when they are still green, but can also be found in a dark red color. Cherry can be eaten fresh or used to bake pies and make sauces. Cherries are safe for humans … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Bamboo Leaves

Bamboo is gaining in popularity due to its strength and durability. As for the leaves, it is usually discarded once the bamboo is cut. However, the leaves of the bamboo tree contain a lot of nutrition. For that reason, you may wonder if you can feed bamboo leaves to your chickens. Yes, chickens can eat … Read more

Do Chickens Hide Their Eggs

Most chicken owners will typically raise chickens for the eggs. After all, who doesn’t enjoy eating fresh eggs every morning for breakfast? If one morning, you come to collect the eggs and there are none, you may wonder what happen. One of those questions is, “Do chickens hide their eggs?” The answer is yes, they … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It’s always a good idea to have some on hand in case you get a craving for it, but what about chickens? Can they eat watermelon? Yes, chickens can eat watermelon. They can eat the flesh, seeds, and even the rind of the watermelon. … Read more

Why Do Chickens Eat Their Eggs

Chickens are considered one of the most interesting animals in the world. Chickens are the best creatures on the planet for laying eggs. Chickens are able to lay eggs because their body is specially adapted to do so. And even though they’re considered an omnivore, chickens will also eat their own eggs. So why do … Read more

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