Lessons for Preschool to High School
Use the Torah to teach Bible, history, and science to math, grammar, reading, writing, and phonics — plus Hebrew, music, poetry, art, health, and chores!
Weekly Teacher Training
We’ll give teaching tips for upcoming biblical holidays, ideas for teaching from a Torah perspective, practical homeschooling advice, and Scriptural encouragement for your marriage and parenting!
With several hundred members, our Community is there to answer all your questions, provide fellowship and support, and walk the Torah life with you — any time of day or night!
Living Books & Memorable Discussion
We create curriculum that is affordable for families but also filled with delightful lessons for students. Best of all, parents & children will have heart-felt discussions, just as Torah tells us to!
Printable Lesson Plans & Worksheets
Do you prefer having a printed lesson to look at each day? Most parents do!
We provide monthly PDFs so you can print them… punch holes… and have everything printed and ready to use.
It’s economical, convenient, and easy!
Bonus Materials
You’ll receive gifts from our partners — like exclusive discounts on required history books, ebooks on biblical feasts, history timelines, preschool curriculum, notebooking pages and maps, and even advice for teaching high-school!